Sunday, March 4, 2007

Change of Thoughts....

Well, It would seem in my last post I talked about tiers. And why some characters were placed the way they were placed in both american and japanese tier listings. Funny thing in regard to the tier lists is that So many things can change the outcome of how the tiers are looked at. The game is still fairly new and people are starting to wonder who is the best character(well not starting its been something people have been talking about for a long time) We already know that Ryougen is a Top character. Let me rephrase, THE top character of this game. But the uppertiers to me seem a bit shakey. The characters that tend to stand out the most with me would be, Othello, Delga, Maya, and (OMG) Orju. These 4 characters are standing out to me alot. As of late, I have been wondering where these characters place. Its really becoming puzzling to me.

Othello, while orginially being thought NOT to be a top character has really started to prove to me otherwise. Infection(blood we will call it for not) Is really good. It is all purpose; the move is THE anti air and the anti rush of the game. Ignition stops both of those things from happening and then some. Othello is also really easy to combo with and both monster and freedom othellos are very formatible. I have been playing with freedom othello for a little while now. And while he doesnt have very damaging combos on the surface, He does have un-shiftable combos in both the corner AND midscreen that really help his game make up for what he doesnt have from monster mode. I personally REEEEFUSE to use monster othello. To me it just seems"too easy". Othello Would probably be the only character that i see equal to Ryougen in tiers.

Maya at first glace seems kinda basic and simple to play. While this isnt the case for her, she is quite hard to get used to and play properly. Most people who just start playing maya spam 236a like its the best move ever. In previous versions the move used to cross up an opponent at random. This was removed in version 1.0c( we are currently on 1.0d) I have been speaking with the japanese players in regards to all characters and they firmly believe if maya had a better forward dash, She would be a very broken character. I Just might have to agree with this. Maya is extremely solid in both offense AND defense in her respective shifts. I do now believe that maya is a TAD bit overrated. Yes she is good. Yes she is a very solid character. But i dont think she measures up to the above mentioned othello or the next few characters that I am about to mention. She has the tools and the ability to beat every character in the game. But for some characters she has to work alot harder than Ryougen, Othello or even delga has to.

Delga COMPLETELY destroys your ground game with his command grab. It makes no damn sense how fucking good that move is. That move with out the shadow of a doubt MAKES delga. Not even makes delga a threat. It just MAKES him as a character. If delga didnt have that grab, He would be complete shit(no offense to delga players). Delga doesnt really have good pokes to speak of. His 2b is good at a distance for zoning. BUT WHY DO THAT WHEN YOU CAN JUST MASH COMMAND GRAB LOLOLOL. Not to mention off of a simple powerbreak of only 1 point delga CAN take off about 3k easy. Delga is a powerhouse and shouldnt be underestimated. The only thing that would keep me from making him top tier would be the fact that ryougen shuts him down completely. I personally believe othello and delga is a pretty even match up. But Its all a matter of thought.

Orju, Now I know what I said about orju in my last post, And some of it holds true, but as I have been watching and paying VERY close attention to how orju plays, The more i realize that orju IS NOT A LOWTIER CHARACTER. Honestly I cant even consider him a Mid tier character either. I think he is top 3 honestly. Orju can powerbreak WITH EASE against any character. His combos deal a large ammount of damage and getting in with orju is shockly easy. In the last few days I have had VERY little problems getting in on my opponent using orju. No matter what character they used. Othello, Ryougen, Maya or even siely and delga, Orju, in my opinion, Is a VERY wellrounded character. Against othello, Seems a little off considering othello outranges orju in every way. But orju is quite fast and can move around othello. Orju has a REALLY good back dash(not to mention cool looking as fuck) and his level 1 supers are worth stocking up(if you use freedom) Tranquility mode has no real reason to stock up supers, Green enchant is a super plus some other shit. Orju Also has good "anti-backdashing" tactics as well. If an opponent was to mash backdash against orju, then they are really asking for pain. The ability to powerbreak at will is too good to ignore. It is something that all orju players should learn to use. It isnt easy to use the ability but once you learn how to use it, Its just too fucking good.

My thoughts on the tiers are as follows

*S class: F Ryougen, M-F Othello
*A class: F-T Orju, T-F Maya
*B class: M-F Rail, All Shift Delga
*C class: T Katze
*D class: T Siely
*E class: Aleksander(doenst fucking matter what shift lol)

This is how i see the tiers as of right now. If not for Ryougen or othello having an overwelming advantage against the lower characters, I would probably have Orju being top 2. Not fan picking or anything. This is just my opinion of how things look as of right now.

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